Monday, January 30, 2012

Early Bday Dinner

So, earlier today I went out with a couple of friends for an early birthday dinner. This friend of mine is going on a missions trip to El Salvador for almost 2 months, I believe. So she'll be gone for my 21st birthday, that's the reason we went to eat out. So we decided that we would we want some Asian cuisine, so here's what I got:

Claypot Panang Curry Chicken $12.95

This dish is pretty good. It consists of chicken, snow peas, red bell peppers and a few other things (wish I paid more attention to the ingredients maybe then I'd be able to share what's in it). It is so yummy. *DROOLS* However, I think $12.95 is a little overpriced compared to other places that I have been to. There is this other Thai  restaurant that I usually go to and they literally have the BEST red curry chicken. Like the best! I have many different types of curries throughout my life, but nothing beats that. Next time, I'll be sure to snap a few pictures, then you'll be able to taste it through the pictures! 

So, it will be my birthday soon in February. The first week of, and I really don't know or think I will do anything. I haven't had a birthday cake since I turned 18 I believe. It was a Costco cake, and that is always good. Hopefully this year will be different. I always wanted to do something big but maybe not this year again.

In the mean time, do you have any suggestions?

VDay Nails

Hello there!
It has been a while since I have blogged. I have been so very busy with work, school and my handsome son. However, I managed to scoop up some time and do this little Valentine’s Day Nail art. It’s supposed to be a secret admirer letter. This really reminds me of when elementary kids have a secret crush and send this sweet and cute love letters. Originally, I wanted to enter a nail contest but I really don’t have that kind of time to make and edit a video. It would be nice but I have a chemistry exam to study for on Wednesday not only that but I have statistics homework, that’s always fun. 

In the mean time, I hope you enjoy this little polish design. By the way, I don’t know if you can tell but winter is totally killing my cuticles. They are very cry and just don’t look healthy at all, so excuse them if you may. 

Did you do anything with your nails?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

In Him We Find Rest

If you have never heard of IHOP prayer room, you should definitely check it out! 

Today as I put my son to sleep and my husband was preparing to go to bed for the night, I began to soak in the presence of the Lord. Lately, I have just been feeling so overwhelmed and stressed. My husband has been gone for 5 days, I am working too much and school is picking up soon again, I constantly have to worry about pumping and I am just overwhelmed! I was praying and calling upon His name for restoration. I pled for His strength and His peace to go before me so that His comfort and joy will overflow in me. I began crying because I desperately needed Him so bad. I felt so convicted that I have been caught in my chores that I haven’t been truly praising and worshipping Him like I should be. I continued to cry and in the midst of it all, I heard that promising voice to open up the bible to Matthew 11:28. I opened it and this is what it said: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” I began to cry even harder. I asked for His forgiveness of my half hearted self and of my sins. And in the background, Cory Asbury began to play “Faithful to the End”. Then I began praising Him, that through the trials, He is just and faithful. No matter what, He is always faithful to our hearts. He never slacks and NEVER falls short of His promises. 

I am sure we have heard Matthew 11:28 but when God moves you, it is an encounter so deep like nothing else. I then began to feel not ‘better’ but a little relieved. That I can always count on Him. I can call upon Him even though I feel unworthy because He is my place of refuge. He is OUR place of refuge. 

So if you are feeling burdened, know that in Him, we can find rest. That through Him, we no longer carry the burdens ourselves, but because of His grace we can take His yoke and be restored.
Love much,

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Just doing a quick update:

Happy New Year to everyone! I have many things to share with you all! In the meantime, enjoy yourselves and may it be another blessed year! (=

Love much,
AHY xo