Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Twinsie Tuesday: TT Revisited: any challenge you particularly enjoyed

This one, I knew exactly what I want to do. This particular challenge has seriously got to be one of my favorites since my very first Twinsie post. Now, I don't wanna spoil it so, I'll just have you take a look:

Now, if you haven't already seen, here is the original post:

 My sweet girl from Amandalandish. This was her interpretation of a 3D mani. And might I add that I absolutely adore this more than ever! She seriously deserves an A for effort. So thanks Amanda for sharing your lovely creation/idea! I'm sure we all enjoyed this post very much! 

For this option, I opted to use the chocolate coco puffs. Looks like a piece of dropping, right? I think this is one of my favorite challenges so far! Oh, and for the nude'ish polish, I used a nude jelly, Nubar Creme. I also thought about watermarking it, but I changed my mind.

Amanda, I hope I did you a little bit of justice.


For more Twinsie posts, click the links below!
Amanda at Amandalandish
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Cordia at Seriously Swatched
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Jamie at Polish, Please!
Katherine at Haul of Fame
Kelly at Tuxarina
Lakeisha at Refined and Polished
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Meredith at Polish and Charms
Rachel at Top Coat It
Sarah at See Sarah Swatch
Traci at DrinkCitra

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  1. Hahah love this! You guys might spark a new trend!

  2. lol, Anna - this made me smile and I needed that! Lovely nude polish!

  3. I thought it was a baby meatball! lol

  4. Ahahahha I LOVE it, just like the Cheerio one!! :D

  5. Love it!! A new take on a classic. ;)

  6. Super funny - I did something similar once LOL

  7. Ahh! I totally love this hahah! :D

  8. Omg, hilarious. I'm so flattered you chose to recreate my ridiculous mani :)

  9. Omg, hilarious. I'm so flattered you chose to recreate my ridiculous mani :)

  10. Anna!!! I won't even say the first thought I had, lolol!!! Priceless!!

  11. Lovely Greetings <3 ,kisses!
