Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Twinsie Tuesday: Textured Nails

This week's theme is definitely one of my least favorite trend: textured nails.

This is the only brand so far that I have tried and so far, I'm not really loving it.

What do you think? Barry M Ridley Road.

The application sucked. It was so weird and gritty. I mean, what could I expect? It is suppose to be gritty but I'm definitely not used to it. Plus, I had to apply 2 layers, which I didn't have the patience for because it took so long to dry. This, is totally not my thing.

What do you think?

For more textured looks, please check out my Twinsies' post for today!
Amanda at Amandalandish
Amber at Nails Like Lace
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Cordia at Seriously Swatched
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Kelly at Tuxarina
Lakeisha at Refined and Polished
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Meredith at Polish and Charms
Rachel at Top Coat It
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Sarah at See Sarah Swatch
Traci at DrinkCitra

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  1. It sucks that your application was bad! I love a good texture though!

  2. I have the same one but I found it really easy to apply and it dried quickly :/

  3. The color of this one is pretty, but I like the sparkly textured polishes, instead. With them, you can add topcoat if you want and it still looks gorgeous!

  4. You are not alone - I don't think I will buy any of the textured polishes :)

  5. I'm not a fan of this one either. I prefer the sparkly textured ones from Zoya and JulieG.

  6. I don't really like the look of this one either, but I really like the OPI Liquid Sand polishes that I've tried. I'd also like to try some from Zoya.

  7. I love the look of textured polishes, but I think I'm with you on the gritty feel. It makes me cringe a bit when I think of it!

  8. lol! It's dedinitely something to get used to...I'm still getting used to it too...love how yours turned out though!

  9. This is definitely my least favorite trend too. Nice blue though.

  10. I'm on te fence with this trend, but I do LOVE this color on you!

  11. Pretty color but shame about the application. This was one of the first textured polishes, so maybe the formula hadn't been perfected yet?

  12. Lovely color, too bad about the application!
