Friday, April 5, 2013

Nail Related Things Haul

So I have been searching for a new top coat polish. I usually use Seche Vite Fast Dry Top Coat but the shrinking is starting to get really bad and I can't stand it! So I purchased some new ones to try out.

I also used to use Out The Door but that one just isn't glossy enough. So here you have it, Healthy Hoof Hi-Gloss Protectant and Precision Quick Dry Top Coat. The other two is just a cuticle cream and nail base since my nails are really thin and always peeling.

With that said, what's your favorite top coat? Do you have any suggestions?

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  • Nail Related Things Haul So I have been searching for a new top coat polish. I usually use Seche Vite Fast Dry Top Coat but the shrinking is starting to get really bad and I … Read More


  1. My favourite topcoat is Essence Better Than Gel Nails Top Sealer, and then the High Gloss version. It's the only one I have tried so far that meets all my needs, haha.

  2. Healthy Hoof is a must for me, I use as my cuticle night cream - have used it in 16 months or so - amazing stuff...

  3. I'm using a Revlon top coat that came out with the Just Tinted nail polishes and while it's not horrible by any means, it's not my favorite. It's too thin, especially for when I wear glitters. I really need to find a good one.

  4. I love Seche Vite but I hate the shrinking and the thickening of the formula before you are even halfway through the bottle. I have had great success with Poshe and it dries just as fast and doesn't have that horridly strong odor SV has. I picked mine up at Sally's Beauty Supply. I really love Poshe and my bottle is almost empty and the formula is still wonderful. It has thickened a little but just the normal amount and does not require restorer to bring it back. It is still easily applied and works great.

  5. SV is still my go-to, but I've been trying to mix it up a bit lately too. China Glaze Fast Forward is pretty good, but it seems less shiny than SV. Liking Nubar Diamont Seal & Shine for everyday, but I still feel best about SV for not smudging nail art.

  6. SV shrinks the most on me and I have abandoned it a long long time ago. Cult Nails case and top coats are the best so far but it gets expensive! So I've been using HK girl topcoat which I love very much but I ran out. Now I'm using Nailtek Quicken which is pretty good as well!
