Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Twinsie Tuesday: A Polish Picked By Someone Else

So this week's challenge was a lot of fun. A polish picked by someone else. My son just totally rammed through entire collection and ended up with these 2. As you have seen him polish my nails before here, he had a lot of fun clinging them around.

Now onto the mani:

So the two here are: China Glaze Sunday Funday, from the new Spring Avant Garden Collection and Jordana LA City Nights. This glitter was really hard to work with because it was so sparse and it was very difficult to get the gradient effect to come through. However, I think it turned out not too shabby.

Oh and excuse that knick on the pinky, just pretend it's not there.

And not to mention, I absolutely love this shade of blue. Sunday Funday is an amazing and beautiful perfect blue with yellow undertones. And it covered perfectly in 2 coats. Plus, the formula was great.

Now, go check out my Twinsies' posts!
Amanda at Amandalandish
Anne at Grape Fizz Nails
Ashley at Art Evolve
Brandi at The Beaulieu Review
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
ChiChi at I''m just me...ChiChi
Cordia at Seriously Swatched
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Katherine at Haul of Fame
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Meredith at Polish and Charms
Rachel at Top Coat It

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  1. That is a really pretty mani, well chosen colors...

  2. What a perfect combination, and I'd never guess you had trouble with the gradient--it looks fantastic!

  3. This is so pretty!!!

  4. This is absolutely gorgeous! The gradient is awesome.

  5. Wow your son picked a nice combo !! Great job :)

  6. These two are perfect together!!! Love it!

  7. You did well for random picks by another - these go well together - I don't know this ChG shade as it looked to much like many I have so I paid no attention to that collection when it came out - here it looks a lot like OPI Fly from the Nicki Ma...however her last name is spelled (can ya tell I am not a fan?)

  8. lovely glitter gradient. and I wouldn't have even noticed that knick ;)

  9. Gorgeous colors they go beautifully together!

  10. This is so beautiful! I love it!
