Monday, February 13, 2012

10 Tips For Aspiring Beauty Bloggers

This has been so helpful to me as you know that I am very new to blogging. I keep these 10 tips in the back of mind every day. Whenever I feel like “Gosh, my blog isn’t cool and no one reads it.” These tips help remind me that a million, trillion followers and readers don’t just happen overnight! So with that said, I hope these tips help you out as well!

What keeps you blogging everyday?

Thanks to Clumps of Mascara, Brittany for sharing her blogging secrets.

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  1. Thank you so much for posting this link! By the way, is that your doggie on your main pic? Super cute!

    1. Glad to be sharing all I can! And yes, thats my doggy. )= Unfortunately, when I went out of town a while ago, she went missing and never came back. Thanks for reading and commenting!

    2. Sorry to hear about your doggie, i know how hard it must have been!

    3. I was so sad. At first I couldnt believe it, then I cried the entire day. )= But thanks. Its hard having to lose someone so close!
