Thursday, May 24, 2012

Emerald Fitzgerald

I work tomorrow morning at 5 am. I hate and love it. It's too early, but it gets my work hours out of the way. Well, I hope that all of you are having a great week so far. School has been tough, but we only have 4 weeks left of Summer semester, so it's finally almost over! I have been swamped though lately, so I apologize for a delay in my posts.

But, this is what I have for you today!

This is 2 coats of China Glaze Emerald Fitzgerald. This is a deep dark green'ish blue with what almost looks like super fine glitter particles. In some angles, it also looks foily but for the part, you can't even tell. I have used this polish once before a long time ago, the formula was perfectly fine, and when I used it again thsi time, formula was a bit thick and seemed to pull at the edges of my nails. I am assuming, the consistency changed over time. I think this is a very pretty color but I am not in love with it, although I have been complimented while wearing it. What do you think of it?

Has the ChG polishes consistency changed over time for you?

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  1. This is gorgeous on you! It was on my wish list for a while until I got OPI Cuckoo For This Color, which is apparently a dupe.

    1. I WAS gonna get OPI Cuckoo For This Color but then I saw ChG Emerald Fitzgerald and it was cheaper, so I got it! (=

  2. I haven't had any CG change over time but I haven't had any over 7+ months and I haven't gone back and used any of them. ^.^

    1. I wonder if any of my others have changed over time.

  3. I've had this shade in my "untried" basket for too long now--the subtle shimmer is very pretty!

  4. I really like it, but I always love greens! Nail polish thinner is a great investment :)

    1. I have thinner and Im about to head over and do it right now! (=

  5. It's gorgeous, looks like a maybe slighter darker version of the Glittering Garland from the Holiday 2011 collect.

  6. I think it's a nice color for fall, but it looks pretty on you. I find some china glaze polishes thicken up as time goes by. My For Audrey is pretty settled, I have to shake it up real good to use and is very thick. I might have to add some thinner to it.

  7. I really love super dark colors like this. I normally have to remind my self to brighten up occasionally. It is very pretty on you though.

  8. I have almost bought this so many times... Ella Fitzgerald is my favorite female vocalist, so I love it for the name alone! But I already have a deep teal with shimmer (Zoya... can't remember the shade name! oops) and I rarely wear it, so I kept holding off.
