Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Twinsie Tuesday: Funky French

 It's Tuesday! Time for Twinsie Tuesday! This weeks challenge was: funky freak, wait funky french.

Ok, I dont know what happened here. In my mind it looked much better, then when I did it on my nails, I was like "what in the world is it?" It just looks confused, like it doesn't know what it's suppose to be.

I know I wanted to do something different, well, different it is! I sort of like it and don't at the same time. And when you feel that way, you know that the mani has gone all wrong. I think if I didn't add the extra lighter pink, it would've looked much more eye appealing. Oh well. Anways, hopefully, next week's challenge would look much better!

PS - Have you ever hit the "save" button instead of the "publish" button and wondered why you had no comments?

What do you think it looks like?

Check out the Twinsies funky french if you haven't already!
Amanda at Amandalandish
Ashley at Art Evolve
Brandi at The Collegiate Nail
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
ChiChi at I''m just me...ChiChi

Cordia at Srsly Swatched
Katherine at Haul of Fame
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Meredith at Polish and Charms
Rachel at Top Coat It

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  1. I think it looks like pink flames, and I quite like it!

  2. I think this is freaking awesome! I love it!

  3. Hahah you crack me up. Realized you hadn't published it yet, eh? This is a beautiful mani, Anna. I really love gray and pink together.

  4. Ahahaha!! I love the freak reference! XD This looks like purple fire!! :D

  5. This is very cute, I like it!

  6. Very funky :) guess what I received today? :D your package eeee thank you so much I love everything! Those mini Orly's are sooooo cute!

  7. I like this a lot!!!! It's very different and fun at the same time!

    1. Thanks Meredith! Yeah, I tried to do different, glad it turned out not too bad. LOL

  8. This is a nice french, I'm kind of bored with most "normal" ones LOL

  9. I like it! It looks like pink flames. A super glossy top coat and it will look fantastic!

  10. It looks like pink flames and it's amazing...I love it! :)

  11. I love the pink flames over the gray!

  12. Very cute and creative! The pink flames are adorable. I love it!

  13. I really love this! I think this is more fantastic than funky! Great job
    I also *always* hit the save button instead of publish lol

  14. oooo fun! I love the idea of pink flames!

  15. i really love this! colour combo is fab... :)) xx

  16. Pink flames with a grey background? I really like it! Almost like the colors in an alternate universe-ish.

    And yes, completely get the "save" vs. "publish." Story of my blogging life :/

  17. i like it! it makes me think of either flames or a pink boa. i love pink and grey together. :)
