Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Twinsie Tuesday: Franken Polish

This week’s Twinsie Tuesday Challenge: franken polish.

Firstly, I want to thank Amanda at Amandalandish and all the rest of the talented bloggers for allowing me to be a part of Twinsie Tuesday. I cannot stress how honored I feel to be involved with this! So thanks again!

I actually didn’t own a single franken polish until I was put to this challenge. I then began experimenting with a few polishes that I don’t use and came up with a few of my very first frankened polishes. I was having so much fun! I could not believe that I have never tried this before. I admit it’s a tiny bit challenging but so rewarding when you’re finally able to pick up that polish and stare at it in awe! With that said, this is what I came up.

The picture seriously does no justice. There are very tiny purple glitters that you can’t see and it really just adds to the polish. I really love the color. It looks really elegant and definitely something I don’t already own. I used 3 coats. Easily, it could’ve been 2 coats but I wanted it to look perfect! 

I started out with the bottle filled with a topcoat ¼ of the way. I then added a black based polish that contained very tiny purple glitter then added a shimmery nude to help lighten the color. Lastly, I added a gold glitter polish and voila! 

Anywho, I really hope you enjoyed this because I did! What do you think?

Don't forget to check out the rest of the awesome girls who are involved in Twinsie Tuesday!
Amanda at Amandalandish
Ashley at Art Evolve
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
ChiChi at I''m just me...ChiChi
Katherine at Haul of Fame

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  1. I love this!!! Such a unique color!

  2. This is so beautiful!! :D

  3. So pretty! I love the gold shimmer in it.

    I'm excited to be apart of twinsie Tuesday too. I was anxiously looking forward to today's post.

  4. Welcome to Twinsie Tuesday Anna! And I loooove this franken you made, the color is great and the shimmer is awesome!

    1. Thanks for the warm welcome, I am super lucky! Im really enjoying this franken too! (=

  5. So unique, but still very gorgeous!!!

  6. This is gorgeous! I love it! Great job!!

  7. Super pretty! That's really my kind of polish.

    Welcome to our group! I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us :)

    1. Thanks for allowing me to be apart of Twinsie Tuesday!

  8. Awesome job! The shimmer looks great with the dark purple base, very pretty! Welcome to Twinsie Tuesday! :)

  9. This color is gorgeous! I'm super impressed, Anna. =) Hey, how did you add my giveaway (thank you!!!) to the side gadgets? I can't figure it out!! lol

    1. Hi Rychelle! Thanks! This was actually my very first time frankening. (= On the side gadgets, its really simple. This is what I do (even thought it might not be the right way to do it, thats how I like it): Go to "Design" then click on the "Add a Gadget" which is on the side bar then just pick and choose which ever one you like. For the one I used, I choose "Picture" then added your picture and a link. I hope that makes sense. Let me know! Hope that helped!

  10. I love this. This totally reminds me of an Avon polish I had on my wishlist, but better. Great creation!

    1. Thanks a ton! I really liked your franken as well. It was beautiful!
