Monday, November 12, 2012

Must Have: Facial Moisturizer

Since my nails are short and not too pretty, I thought I would explore the makeup blogging stuff and share with you some of my very favorite products!

Now that the weather is here becoming a lot cooler, my skin is becoming very dry. And I hate it. Especially my face. But this product has never ceased to fail me!

Lush Vanishing Cream.

When I first started using this, I wasn't too sure about the texture of it since it was thicker but now I am in love and would never use anything else! The vanishing cream is so perfect for me! It feels featherless on my face and dries quickly. It moisturizes and doesn't burn my skin. It also claims to "balance oil production for even, clear skin" - which I can vouch for.

Since using this product, I noticed that I break out less. And in the morning, it leaves my face feeling so smooth! I absolutely love this!

Now I can't say that this will work for you since our skin is different but you can always ask for samples!
The Lush Vanishing Cream retails for $42.95 and you can purchase online here or in store. While it's a bit on the expensive side, it's really worth it.

What kind of moisturizer do you use?

1 comment:

  1. I don't have a good moisturizer believe it or not. shame on me.
