Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Hello readers!

I just wanted to type up a quick update post. Lately, if you have noticed, I have been pretty inconsistent about my blog posting and doing my nails, and I can say that life got in the way, but I think for all bloggers, we fall into that "overwhelmed" stage and sort of slip back. I mean, not all, but some. So here I am just giving you an update about what's going on.

I think sometimes, blogging can feel like a "job" and not a hobby, and I think I started feeling that way. But in my head, I didn't want to admit it. I mean, yes, school got busy, summer was here, family time, yadda, yadda. And so, I apologize for that.

Also, I apologize to those who have sent me polishes and products to review. It has been quite some time npw, but I'm currently working on some reviews right  now and am getting back into the swing of things. So, with that, I truly apologize for the delayed reviews and absence.

With that said, look forward to a new layout and something big I am waiting to announce!

Have a wonderful all.



  1. Yep, totally know what you mean about it feeling like a job sometimes rather than a hobby. It's kind of feeling like that for me lately, but it's something that can be so enjoyable and worth doing :D
    I'm excited to see what you do to your layout! Good luck with everything that's going on!

  2. I fully agree - and actually to me it is kind of a job - even if unpaid, but I love it, because I have a hard time doing something I love not 100%
    But I know the feeling - it's a darn tricky thing...

  3. I do feel like my blog is my second job and that can feel a bit stressfull sometimes. So I understand if you think it got a bit much. Blogging should be fun so post whenever you feel like it. We will still be here and read when you do.

  4. Just did a post like this yesterday! We are in the same boat.

  5. I totally understand the hobby feeling like a job...we all work so hard to keep our blogs interesting on top of our day jobs and sometimes we just need a break to remind ourselves why we do this in the first place!

  6. Definitely happens to all of us sometimes, and I hope life's treating you well. Looking forward to your new stuff when you're ready! :)
